Webinar | Inland Ports boosting the green and circular mobility transition
Online webinar (participation for free)
Time: 09.30 - 11.00 am
Inland ports play an increasingly important role in the greening of Europe’s transport system. The envisioned modal shift from transport by road to waterways and railways in the coming years provides a valuable opportunity for the development of inland ports as circular green energy hubs.
This webinar, organized by the Dutch provinces of Overijssel, Drenthe and Northern Netherlands, will highlight the important contribution of Small and Medium inland ports in the transition to a sustainable and circular mobility sector. Enhancing circularity will be beneficial for the people, business, and regions and cities. In particular circular initiatives combined with sustainable transport modes will contribute to economic benefits, climate neutrality, and will harness the potential of innovation. Combining the topics of circularity and transport is an unique opportunity to contribute to reaching objectives of the European Green Deal. Get inspired by the examples of circular frontrunners Port of Zwolle, Port of Oostende and Port of Sande Havn and learn about the opportunities for SME's!
- 9.30: Opening by Bert Boerman, regional Minister of Transport of Overijssel
- 9.35: MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, Tran committee Vice-coordinator, Renew Europe
- 9.45: Presentation by Janneke van Veen, DG RTD, European Commission
- 9.55: Presentation by Turi Fiorito, Secretary-General European federation of Inland Ports
- 10.05: Showcase Port of Zwolle by Jeroen van den Ende, Managing Director Port of Zwolle
- 10.15: Showcase Port of Sande Havn, Jens Henrik Møller, partner at GEMBA Seafood Consulting
- 10.25: Showcase Port of Oostende, Wim Stubbe, Business Development Manager Port of Oostende
- 10.35: Reflection by MEP Soren Gade, TRAN committee, Renew Europe
- 10.45: Q&A with the audience
- 10.55: Closing remarks by Henk Brink, regional Minister of economy of Drenthe
Moderation by Alex van Oost, Director of the Northern Innovation lab Circular Economy
* Deadline for registration March 22
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